We are steaming toward marxist dictatorship

I have to say with out trying to be to vulgar:

HOLY F#CK!!!! What country are we living in???
Call For Informants: If You Oppose Obamacare, Even in ‘Casual Conversation,’ the White House Wants to Know About It!

If you see anybody publicly opposing President Obama’s plan to implement a government-centric overhaul of the health care system, the White House wants you to report that person (or persons) ASAP.

From the White House website:
[There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often tra More..vel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov.]

Emphasis added. Of course, as we’ve seen in the health care debate to date, the term “disinformation” is used by the Obama White House as a catchall to describe any opposition to the President’s push for single-payer, government-run health care — meaning the White House wants to be informed of any forwarded emails or blog posts or any “casual conversations” that could be taken as opposition to their health care overhaul plan.

You’ll have to excuse me, I need to go get more ammo now.

The (NO) Fairness doctorine is comming

People, be very afraid!
For years the left has been looking for a way to silence their critics and they are approaching their goal!
Essentially what it boils down to is this;t the left wants total control of (all) the press.
Think of Pravda of the old Soviet Union.
Without the freedom of a free market media – essentially talk radio, the left can say and do what every they want with out being called to task.
The left has tried and failed at every opportunity to ‘sell’ it’s message (essentially lies, hyperbole and half-truths) many times and HAS ALWAYS FAILED!
Look at Air America Radio. It has never made money and only exists because of the support of ‘new world order’ socialists; primarily George Soros.