Fix Server Manager Crash and Server Manager ‘fails automatic refresh’ errors

I recently upgraded one of our servers from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2012 R2 doing an ‘in place upgrade’. After a few restarts to complete the upgrade, the Server Manager would crash on start up. After much Googling, I found the resolution to that problem was simple – install .NET 4.7.2.

That resolved the crashing of the Server Manager (and other MMCs).

Then once that was resolved and I was able to launch the Server Manager, I got the warning exclamation – the Server Manger would ‘fail automatic refresh’.


When I expanded on any of the effected services the error box read “Online – Data Retrieval failed”.

The following is the result of clicking on the yellow notification flag and expanding details.


For more information I went to Event Viewer-Application and Services Logs-Microsoft-Windows-ServerManager-ManagementProvider operational log. There was the following warning

“Generic failure querying the localized name for channel: Microsoft-Windows-DxpTaskRingtone-Analytic [hResult = Function failed during execution., hLastResult = The system cannot find the file specified.]”.

When I attempted to open the DxpTaskRingtone Operational log it reported the log was either corrupted or not present. After doing some research I found this log is created from the following key in the registry.



The registry values did not look corrupted but I backed up (exported to a folder) the key and then deleted it. Closed and then opened/refreshed Server Manager and everything is green.


Now all good.

If you wish to verify this is in fact the issue you can re-import the exported key and sure enough the error will return. So get rid of it. 😉

Fix "The trust relationship between this computer and the primary domain failed" error

This is something that happens very often in large organizations with remotely connected sites (whether via MPLS nodes, connected VPNs or remote VPN users).

If you’ve spent any time in the desktop support arena you’ve likely had this error/issue dozens of times.
Here are some surefire ways to fix this fairly quickly.

MANY, many sites will tell you to remove the PC from the domain, delete the computer account and then re-join the computer. This does work – SOMETIMES and can bring on even more problems when it fails.

A simpler solution, that actually works, is to use PowerShell to resolve the issue.
You will need to log into the computer as a local administrator (or possibly you can use the cached domain admin credentials if that’s still an option)

Here are the commands to use in order of preference.

Depending on what version of Windows you are on and how up to date it is you should first download the latest Windows Management Framework (WMF). this contains the latest versions of PowerShell, DSC, WMI, and WinRM for downlevel versions of Windows and Windows Server. Here’s that link

1st try this one from an Admin Powershell:


Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair -Credential (get-credential)

After that completes restart computer and try domain login.

If that doesn’t work try this one:

Reset-ComputerMachinePassword -Server <ClosestDomainControllerNameHere> -Credential <DOMAIN\domain.admin>

Make sure to specifiy you DC and your domain user name, you’ll be prompted for you password.
The script will run and you’ll be back to the Powershell prompt.
Then just restart machine and try domain login.

An older method you can also try the NETDOM way ( most useful on some non upto date Win7 machines).
You’ll likely have to download the Microsoft Remote Server Admin Tools from here.  Install and then

use the following from an elevated cmd prompt:
netdom.exe resetpwd /s:dc-hostname.domain /ud:domainadminusername /pd:* (enter the domain admin password when prompted)

Hope this helps some.

Using PowerShell to Manage Windows Updates

Using PowerShell to Manage Windows Updates:  PSWindowsUpdate

Often we have to update computers that have not – for whatever reason been updated in a long time. AND we often have to create new deploy images using sysprep. What usually happens is that Windows update will hang at ‘checking for updates’ for a very long time and either error out or never complete. A secret I found to deploying Windows Updates when this happens or from within Audit Mode is an excellent PowerShell module created by Michal Gajda. This module, aptly called PSWindowsUpdate, allows managing Windows Update on any computer running PowerShell 2.0 or higher. This module even enables Windows admins to check for and install updates on remote PCs and servers. PSWindowsUpdate is particularly handy for installing updates on Server Core machines that have no GUI, or in instances such as Sysprep’s Audit Mode where the Windows Update GUI doesn’t work.

· Get started by downloading the latest version of


· Once downloaded, extract the contents of the zip file to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\.


Extracting files from

· Click Continue if a UAC prompt appears.


· When the files have been extracted into the PowerShell Modules folder, open an elevated PowerShell prompt. Change PowerShell’s Execution Policy to RemoteSigned. The RemoteSigned Execution Policy allows PowerShell scripts downloaded from the Internet to run on a PC as long as they are signed by a trusted publisher.

· Type Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned and press Enter. When prompted, confirm the change by pressing Y and then Enter.


Changing PowerShell’s execution policy

This completes the one-time configuration of the module! Now it’s time to put PSWindowsUpdate to use!

· If running PowerShell v2.0, type Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate and hit Enter. This isn’t necessary in PowerShell v3 and higher, but it doesn’t hurt anything either. This step simply guarantees that the modules cmdlets will be available to the PowerShell v2.0 session.

· Display a list of all the module’s available cmdlets by typing Get-Command –module PSWindowsUpdate and hitting Enter.


Using Get-Command -module PSWindowsUpdate.

· Possibly the most important function for getting and installing updates is Get-WUInstall. Help for each cmdlet is available, so to see full help for Get-WUInstall type Help Get-WUInstall –full and press Enter.


Looking at help for Get-WUInstall.

When applying updates, I prefer connecting to the Microsoft Update servers. Using these instead of the standard Windows Update servers allows installing updates to Office and other Microsoft products in addition to the normal Windows updates. Unfortunately, trying to connect to the Microsoft Update servers using the PSWindowsUpdate module from a fresh Windows installation will produce an error, as shown below.


· The reason for this error is because Windows is registered to use only the standard Windows Update servers by default. To use the Microsoft Update servers, the Microsoft Update Service must be registered on the computer. In the GUI, this is done by selecting the checkbox for Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows from the Control Panel – Windows Update – Change Settings applet.

· In the PSWindowsUpdate module, the same process is completed by using the Add-WUServiceManager cmdlet with the ServiceID for the Microsoft Update service specified. Type Add-WUServiceManager -ServiceID 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d and press Enter. When prompted, confirm registering the service by typing Y and pressing Enter one more time.


Registering the Microsoft Update servers.

· List available updates from the Microsoft Update servers by typing Get-WUInstall –MicrosoftUpdate –ListOnly and pressing Enter. After a few moments, the system will return a list of the available updates for the current machine. No error this time!


· The same results are produced by typing Get-WUList –MicrosoftUpdate and pressing Enter.


· Type Get-WUInstall –MicrosoftUpdate and press Enter to go through the available updates, confirming installation of each one manually.


PSWindowsUpdate and Parameter Support

Another awesome feature of the PSWindowsUpdate module is its support of parameters. For example, using the –AcceptAlland the –AutoReboot parameters with the Get-WUInstall cmdlet changes the manual process into an automated one. Type Get-WUInstall –MicrosoftUpdate –AcceptAll –AutoReboot and press Enter. The system will download and install all available updates and then automatically reboot if any of the updates require a reboot.


Retrieving updates and installing automatically.

Don’t want a particular update to be installed? No problem! Use Hide-WUUpdate. Selection parameters such as –Title or –KBArticleID narrow in and hide specific updates. Feel free to use wildcards with these parameters. As an example, type Hide-WUUpdate –Title “Bing*” –KBArticleID “KB2673774” –MicrosoftUpdate –Confirm:$false and press Enter to hide the Bing Bar 7.3 update.


Hiding an unwanted update.

Notice that I used the –Confirm parameter, along with the $false switch, to automatically confirm hiding the selected update. In the future the update won’t appear when listing available updates.

Did you make a mistake and hide the wrong update? No problem! Hide-WUUpdate can unhide an update by using the –HideStatus parameter with the $false switch. To unhide the update hidden earlier, type Hide-WUUpdate –Title “Bing*” –KBArticleID “KB2673774” –MicrosoftUpdate –HideStatus:$false –Confirm:$false then press Enter. As before, I used the –Confirm:$false parameter to keep everything streamlined.


Unhiding a previously hidden update.

Once all the updates are complete make sure to open PowerShell (as Administrator) and set the Execution Policy back to ‘restricted’:

Type Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted and press Enter. Then exit