We need a guy like this

This country needs a person like this [Czech President Vaclav Klaus] at the helm of the United States. And not some leftist academics who have never run anything besides theories – and debunked ones at that.

I have been following his career for a while.
He grew up under communist rule – he KNOWS it and knows it does NOT work.

He has been and outspoken critic of the bogus idea of anthropogenic ‘global warming’. I use that term because it has now been soundly refuted and exposed as a the fraud it is by real science – the science that was silenced in the name of political and economic expediency of the left. And he is a champion of freedom and capitalism.

He has continually spoken out against ‘cap and trade’. This speech is a must read. It should be, in fact, read by all young students who are still being hammered with bogus leftist ideologies daily in our grade and middles schools!

Excerpt: "We should not deceive ourselves. Cap-and-trade scheme is a government intervention par excellence, not a “market solution.”

Here he is being interviewed by Glen Beck.

Speaking on “Killing democracy via global warming sham”

And Czech President Klaus: “Global Warming Not Science, but a ‘New Religion’

Confronting the lies of man made global warming

I’ve sent out comments and links on this before and was going to take the time and put them all in one spot here.

However looks like Robert A. Hall on his blog “The Old Jarhead” put together one of the best posts I’ve seen in a while.
He has loads of links with facts and commnetary.

I recently had a discussion with someone who was trying to tell me that even though ALL the data underlying the whole ‘theory of man made global warming’ was has been proven to be lies and fabrications at the very least completely incorrect, it did not change the ‘fact’ as he put it that all this ‘bad’ stuff would happen if humans didn’t stop blah, blah blah.

I had to try and get him to understand that if the basis for his theory, the underlying structure and underpinnings, were false, then EVERY thing drawn from them is also false!
He could not understand that! It seems most of our country has lost the ability to reason based on facts.

Even with undeniable facts and science it is hard to overcome a dogma that has been brainwashed into the minds of nearly an entire generation. And unbelievably, is still preached by the media and ruling elite in an effort to assert more control over us and reduce our freedoms and liberties.

When I get the chance I will also add some other good info but for now many thanks to Sgt. Hall.
Well have a read, gather some ammo (facts) for the fight for truth:

Al Gore 1st ‘Carbon Billionaire’!

Why is Al Gore spouting the ‘Man Made Global Warming’ Horseshit everyday?

Here is why:

“Al Gore, the former US vice president, could become the world’s first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy companies.”
Story Here:


More on ‘Global Warming’:


Global Warming, Really

I have such a disdain for lies and deception it borders on an obsession.
One of my biggest peeves is the absolute LIE of ‘man-made global warming’.
An entire generation of children have been literally indoctrinated with this ‘religion’ that is based on junk science!
This schtick has been used by the anti-capitalist to bludgeon the economies and bind the freedoms that have made the west the most advanced civilizations in humans short history on this planet.
Virtually every bit of legislation tied to the ‘green movement’ ONLY harms the developed nations of the west and does absolutely nothing to help the underdeveloped nations of the world.
The sole purpose of the ‘green movement’ is to monetarily penalize man’s economic and scientific advancement and redistribute the wealth of the world. In short to put control of freedoms and progress in the hands of an ‘elite’ few who ‘know what’s good for us’.
I know that the left’s hysteria can’t be bothered with actual facts but maybe we can help educate the young.
Here are some fantastic links to actual science.
A great video that should be played in all grade schools!:

Some other great links:




A good site with lots of information: