More on Cloud Storage, Backup, Synchronization and Sharing Using Dropbox, Livesync and now Office Live.

I have written previously about cloud storage and backup solutions and how to use those to synchronize data between your many systems at different locations on differing platforms. Most cloud storage and synchronization services can synchronize between differing operating systems too! You can share and access files from Windows, OS X, Linux and even Smartphones. With this post I’d like to just add update some information on how you can use Windows Live services (OfficeLive, and Skydrive) and Dropbox.

1st. OfficeLive.

There have been some exciting recent announcements regarding Microsoft’s cloud storage and synchronization services that have made their offering even more compelling than ever. If you’ve read my previous post (link above) you already know I am a fan of SkyDrive. You can use SkyDrive to upload, store and share photos, documents and data both privately and publicly -  it offers a whopping 25GB of free cloud storage and it integrates nicely with Office 2010. You can use this free service on both a Windows PC and a Mac computer.

Microsoft’s Office Web Application is now live on SkyDrive! It’s called Office Live. You can access Microsoft’s Office web version on your browser.

Office Live now provides for access to Microsoft’s Office suite of applications even if you don’t have MS Office installed on the system you are on! If you just use the Office Live portion you get a default 5GB of storage, but by using your SkyDrive account you get the full 25GB of storage.

While Goolge Docs has allowed for the sharing and publishing of individual documents to the web for a long time, Office Live(and SkyDrive) and Dropbox provide for true sharing of folders with individual, groups or the public. With Office Live you can create a truly amazing collaborative workspaces. Check out this video!

Instead of going through a long and detailed walk through I’ve put together a bunch of links and videos that YOU can go through. Suffice it to say I believe you should use at least one of these services to backup or synchronize your data across the ‘cloud’.

Here is a good how to on SkyDrive

And another.

You can get started with Office Live here.

Here are some very good Office Live and SkyDrive Links. I would highly recommend spending a few hours and going over these. The future of data storage and retrieval is tightly integrated to web services and the ‘cloud’.  Here are some links:

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, If you do a search for Office Live or SkyDrive you should find many more.

2nd. Dropbox.

I have also found this service highly useful for sharing files with other people with whom I am working.
What is Dropbox?
Dropbox  is a “cloud computing” Web2.0 file hosting service offering both free and paid services. The free version offers 2GB of “shared storage”. The difference between SkyDrive/OfficeLive and Dropbox is that Dropbox requires software to be installed onto your system. Something I am not always fond of but this does work well.

Dropbox is file hosting service which enable users to synchronize files and folders between computers across the internet.
This is done by installing a software and then picking a “shared folder” on your computer. From that moment on, that folder will be synced with any computer you choose to install the software on (for example, your home/work computer, your laptop – and so on).

DropBox also enables users to share some of their folders with other DropBox users. This seamless integration of the service with your OS file system (Windows, Mac or Linux) is what’s making this service so comfortable, by allowing me to work with co-workers and have the same “project tree” of folders, all of which are always synced.
You could also share a file “online”, by getting a link to it which you could share with others.

While I will always believe in ‘hard storage’ especially for highly sensitive and personal information you should also look into ‘cloud storage’. You should always have a rocks solid local backup solution but collaboration and the ability to have your information available nearly everywhere is invaluable. If not to store and backup your data, at least for it’s huge collaborative possibilities. That is what I primarily use it for.

I really hope some of you will use this information to make your life, and possibly jobs easier and more productive. As we head into the second decade of the 21st century it’s exciting to see how we can have our information available nearly everywhere and be able to usefully share that information with anyone in the world.

iPhone/iTouch Jail Breaking

I’ve been asked a whole lot recently about how to do this. So here are the links I HIGHLY recommend:
Hope this helps.

[UPDATE! The latest & greatest information is now here:
Great new article from Gizmodo on jailbreaking iPhones and iPads]

This is the site to start at!!:

Forums which will tell you how to use the downloads below:

Software Version: 2.2.5-2
Creator: iPhone Dev Team and poorlad
Description: QuickPWN allows you to unlock and jailbreak your iPhone and jailbreak your iPod Touch so you can modify it, SSH into it, choose your own theme and many other cool things.
For Windows:

iPhone Firmware
iPhone firmware 2.2

iPhone 2.2.1 firmware

iPhone 3G Firmware
iPhone 3G 2.2 firmware

iPhone 3G 2.2.1 firmware

iPod Touch Firmware

iPod Touch 1G 2.2.1 firmware

iPod Touch 2G 2.2.1 firmware

Software Downloads

WinSCP – WinSCP allows you to SSH into your iPhone/iPod Touch and add/remove/edit files and execute commands.


See Here:

Windows 7 Demo and Trials

If you haven’t yet tried or missed the initial public beta of Windows 7 you can still try this fantastic new Operating System in two distinct ways. One is an ‘online demo’ the other is and actual installation of a time limited trial.

I you are still using XP I highly recommend getting familiar with Windows 7 – your next computer WILL have it [or maybe OS X ;)] installed. If you have been using XP for the nearly entire decade that it has been out there are some adjustments to make; though most things are still very easy to find. If you are already using Vista you will see a lot of similarities and a great deal of improvements.

The online demo route:
Microsoft has Virtual Labs that are great for tech students, or those of you who want to get a first-hand trial of the new features with out having to actually install the OS. Also, if you’re not sure on how to deploy something and want to practice in a virtual environment, these labs are quite valuable.While these labs are geared toward IT professionals, it’s a good way for anyone to try out Windows 7 features from the comfort of your current computer.
[Please note that the online version is not nearly as responsive as a full standard install of Windows 7. It also does not run the full Aero interface or desktop effects, and may refresh slowly depending on your Internet connection. So don’t judge Windows 7’s performance based on this virtual lab, but use it as a way to learn more about Windows 7 without installing it.]

Visit this page and click on the TestDrive to ‘Try It Now’.
Microsoft has some very good tutorials there on getting accuainted with the function and features of the operating system.
The folks over at the How To Geek site have a superb walkthrough too.

Install route:
If you wish to actually install a full working 90 day trial/evaluation copy of Windows 7 Enterprise you can.
Visit the MS Technet site here.
From here you can choose the version 64 or 32 bit and download the ISO. Then burn it to a DVD for installation.

Alternatively you could ‘mount’ the ISO and do an install that way but that is not recommended.
See my posts on freeware that I use to mount and/or burn ISO images.

If you are going to use the trial version (installing to hard drive) I would HIGHLY suggest you back up your current system completely – see my posts on imaging.

If things don’t work out it is always nice to have a complete system image to return to!
Also make sure that your hardware meets the minium requirements (preferable much more) for an optimum experience.
I hope this helps some take the proverbial ‘look’ before the leap.

Easy file transers with iGoogle/Google Talk

Over at the Google Blog today they’ve announced new file transfer capabilities in iGoogle and orkut. That’s fun! But what I’m most excited about is their promise of file transfer in Gmail Chat.

For now, file transfer only works directly in the browser for iGoogle and orkut, allowing you to send files without saving them as attachments in email. It’s also compatible with Google Talk software client, so you can share with desktop users as well.
It seems easy enough to use: once you’ve started a chat, just click on “Send a file…” in the “Actions” menu. The person on the other end of the line can then either accept or decline, depending on how they feel about you and the types of files you’re inclined to send.

I have sent a few large test files (30MB and 45MB) and the transfer is quite fast. Seems to work on both Windows and OS X. Haven’t tried it on Linux yet. Of course a lot would depend on your Internet connection speeds. For ‘one off’ transfers of large files I think this is a really neat tool to add to your file management box of tricks.

Managing Passwords – Using KeePass

In the digital age remembering your usernames and passwords can be very difficult. You need a password for the Windows network logon, your e-mail account, your homepage’s FTP password, online passwords (like website member account), etc. etc. etc. The list is endless. Also, you should use different passwords for each account. Because if you use only one password everywhere and someone gets this password you have a problem… A serious problem. The thief would have access to ALL your e-mail accounts, banking, mortgage, homepage, etc.

Here is a list of what I have to manage.
My corporate accounts: 64, my logmein accounts: 22,Personal Internet sites and services: 38, my internet email accounts(gmail, hotmail, yahoo): 14,personal banking/credit: 9.
That is a total of 147! And there are probably some I can’t remember!
As you can see having to manage these could be a nightmare without some kind of password management system.

To that end I use KeePass.
KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish). I also use KeePass to store my non-digital passwords such as ‘PINs’ for banking and credit cards. Because the database is digital and can be exported it can be copied to many locations for back up purposes – such as USB drives, CDROMs, place in a save deposit box and/or to an Internet storage solution.

There are versions for Windows, Linux, OSX and portable devices such as Blackberrys, iPhones and Windows Mobile (PPC).

There are also ‘Portable Versions’ that can be installed on a USB drive with your Key database for use on other non-secure machines.

Here is a good video how to:
Here is another pretty good video on how to setup and use KeePass. It is a little ‘slow’ and it is covering the portable version but the instruction is right on.

Windows 7 Media Center HTPC

I have been using some of my home PC’s as Media Centers for a long time. Watching recording, scheduling and converting live TV for some time.[since 1998 actually].
To this end I have, for the most part, relied on third party software to do this.

You do need to have a TV Tuner Card to watch live TV.  There are many available but I am partial to Hauppauge and ATI. Both seem to have no issues if the correct Operating System drivers are used. And you will need a Video card with an output that can connect to your TV [HDMI is preferable] if you wish to watch your shows on your television and not just your PC. There are plenty reasonable priced options available.
I have used ATI’s Media Center(included with the ALL-In-Wonder and TV Cards), Hauppauge’s WinTV(included with their TV cards), Beyond TV (a great software solution), GBPVR, and I’ve tried many others.
However with the advent of Microsoft’s Vista Media Center Microsoft really improved the ability to do this ‘natively’ within Windows.
With Windows 7, Microsoft has really hit it out of the park for anyone wishing to create an HTPC (Home Theater PC). The integration, ease of use, available plug-ins and native functionality are amazing! Nearly anyone can install a TV card and be recording and watching TV through their PC very quickly and just as easily using their PC as a PVR for the TV shows, watching them on their TV. There is so much that can be done with  the media center including; streaming movies and music to other machines on your local network (or even the internet!), copying or moving your recorded movies or music to other devices and more.

I have sent out a number of Windows Media Center how to’s in the past and helped many others to build their system. Many of the tips and instructions including information I put together from various sites and my own experiences and insights. Trouble is most people will not take the time to do any research and to learn something new and will instead contact someone else to ‘set it up for them’. Granted I have and sometimes still do earn some decent money from these people but usually it is family and close friends who insist on not learning for themselves. If you take the time and learn you will be far ahead of the game and have a great deal more enjoyment from your technology.

What I am going to do here is try and put together one of the most complete set of links to information on how to setup, configure and tweak a Windows 7 Media Center.

The 1st place to start is Microsoft’s site. Microsoft has what I believe to be some of the best tutorials and how to’s available anywhere! There loads of videos on how to do just about everything.
Start with the ‘Do I have it?’ video
and work your way through the whole batch of videos. VERY well done.

In my very long history in supporting Microsoft Products I have watched as their training/tutorials for end users has become nothing less than spectacular.

Next stop would be the folks at the How To Geek site. They have put together some very good tutorials and walkthroughs. Many much like the ones I have sent out myself in the past only some of theirs are a little more thorough.

From the HowToGeek site:
Stream Music and Video Over the Internet with Windows Media Player 12
Share and Stream Digital Media Between Windows 7 Machines On Your Home Network
Learning Windows 7: Setup Live TV in Windows Media Center.
Automatically Start Windows 7 Media Center in Live TV Mode.
How To Skip Commercials in Windows 7 Media Center.
Increase Live TV Pause Buffer in Windows 7 Media Center.
Increase Skip and Replay Intervals in Windows 7 Media Center.
Learning Windows 7: Manage Your Music with Windows Media Player.
Share Digital Media With Other Computers on a Home Network with Windows 7.
View Weather Conditions in Windows 7 Media Center.

Some other plug-ins:
Media Center Plug-Ins you should get.
Copy TV to iPod or other Media player:
You will need:
My Movies

Convert Dynamic Disk back to Basic Disk WITHOUT data loss

Here is the story.

I had a Windows 7 machine that I was using as a test bed for various applications and settings.
I was trying to recover some files from an old hard drive. I attached the drive via a usb dock. And I was able to grab most of the files I wanted via a rescue start up disk.

I then wanted to delete the partitions on that old drive and format it. Simple enough. But the damaged drive was still giving me problems. I should have used the boot CD to kill it there. But instead, like a maroon, I booted into Windows & and tried to just ‘add’ the disk in the disk manager.
But somewhere in my sleepiness after a 16+ hour day I converted my Windows 7 drive to a dynamic volume that included the messed up drive!
Before I realized what I had done it was too late.

What to do?

With the damaged drive not working my ‘dynamic volume’ was now in accessable after restarting the machine!
So on with the searching for a solution.
I read over and over how a Dynamic Disk could NOT be converted back to a Basic Disk.
Even Microsoft say this is so!

But I knew I had read somewhere about editing the MBR and setting the drive back to basic year ago. I may have even done it.
And after many days and many hours I found a simple elegant solution in an old post that WORKED!

I simply pulled out the affected Windows 7 drive and used my HDD dock to attach it to one of my main machines and edit the MBR sector to change the disk back to a Basic Disk.

Basically it involves using a freeware hex disk editor to open the MBR and just change one sector(sector 0 location 1C2) value from ’42’ to ’07’ saving the change. Then running a check disk and fix (chkdsk x: /f).
I put the drive back in booted and after a few moments of ‘recovery’ at start up my entire OS was back!
Here is the post.

It is very detailed and easy to follow.
I hope no one needs it but if you do this is good to have in your tech notes file.

Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

Ok so here is the reason for this post.
After nearly a year of trying to get a legacy application to work in Windows 7 I had just about given up.
The application in question may be a purpose built company application (proprietary) that is absolutely necessary for your business or simply something you would rather not do without. I am sure many enterprise and even home users have applications they need to, or would like to, continue using but that simply will not work in Windows 7 (or even Vista for most).
I have such an application. It was built with an old version of Visual Studio. The application utilizes Microsoft IIS (6) web services, MS SQL 2000 databases, and an old version of Crystal Reports for report generation.
It is our business application! I have no option to not run it.
It is in the process of being prepared to be upgraded, but that will take a considerable amount of time and capitol.
To attempt to get this application to run natively under Windows 7 I have done the following and probably more.
I have spent nearly a year trying to get our application to work on Windows 7. I have read hundreds if not thousands of pages on blogs, support sites, news groups and other reference sites and materials.
I have adjusted permissions on dozens of directories to allow for certain machine service accounts, users and read/write access.
I have edited config and ini files.
I have applied patches and fixes to the underlying applications, operating system and services.
I have tried installing other legacy applications in the hope they might contain components needed to run this application (access runtimes, older .Net versions, old Crystal Reports apps, etc.)
I have registered and unregistered dlls.
I have changed permissions on Component services.
I have gone so far as to fire up one of my old machines (with Visual Studio) and do some dll work (mergemodule type stuff) on my local dll files. [note here: I suck at programming and have not done any in a long long time!].
After all this I still could not get this application to work right – Crystal Reporting would not work.
As some of you know I absolutely hate to give up on a problem. I may put stuff on the ‘back burner’ for a while to let my mind work on it. But I just don’t give up. Character flaw maybe.
So what is one to do?
One solution that sometimes works on ‘simple’ applications is to you the ‘compatibility mode’ to run said application.
Compatibility mode has been available since the release of Windows Vista and Windows 2003 Server
To use the ‘compatibility mode’. simply right click on the executable of that application and go to the ‘Compatibility Tab’
Click on the Compatibility mode check box and choose the operating system you wish to run that application in then click apply and try and running the application.
I do use this on many applications that ‘say’ they won’t run on a particular version of Windows fairly often. And many times it works.
However there are applications that are ‘built’ around many other applications and components. Many of which will simply not run this way.
But what happens when just about everything else fails? How can you get that application to run fully and correctly?

The solution is Windows XP Mode for Windows 7. I have written on creating Virtual Machines before and I have been using them for years; as test beds and to run wholly cloned machines that had since died. But I didn’t think there would be such a seamless VM solution that nearly anyone could implement to just run a few applications!

I was wrong. Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 is freaking awesome!! The process is dead simple and fast! I am surprised this has not gotten much more attention and that the articles are scarce and outdated. Had it got more press I would certainly have tried it long ago and saved a few white hairs. The only caveat is that running XP Mode requires Windows 7 Professional or higher (Ultimate or Enterprise).

Following is a simple explanation and how to I cobbled together from various sources. Most of which were very incomplete or out of date so I had to add/edit the information.

Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 makes it easy to install and run many Windows XP productivity applications directly from your Windows 7-based PC. It utilizes virtualization technology, such as Windows Virtual PC, to provide a virtual Windows XP environment for Windows 7.
Users can access USB devices attached to the host directly from virtual Windows XP.
These devices include printers and scanners, flash memory/sticks and external hard disks, digital cameras, and more.
Once you installed applications in the virtual XP you can ‘Publish it’ and launch applications installed on virtual Windows XP directly from the Windows 7 desktop, as if they were installed on the Windows 7 host itself.
You can access your Windows 7 Known Folders: My Documents, Pictures, Desktop, Music, and Video, from inside the virtual Windows environment, such as Windows XP Mode.
You can cut and paste between your Windows 7 host and any virtual machine.
You can print directly to your attached printer from your seamless application or virtual machine.
OK, let’s get started.
1st. Check that your PC hardware works with Windows XP Mode by downloading and running this tool 1st:

Then go to:
Under Download and install Windows XP Mode, click Windows XP Mode.
Select the Operating System you have and download BOTH files – Windows XP Mode AND Windows Virtual PC.
I recommend clicking Save and keeping the file on your computer in case you ever need to reinstall Windows XP Mode. Note: Name each individual file so you will know which is which XP Mode and VirtualPC (the Virtual PC app will be named something like ‘Windows6.1-KB958559-x…)
Install XP Mode 1st
Then install Windows Virtual PC.
After installation is complete, click Restart Now to restart your computer.
Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP will now be in the list of programs.

To set up Windows XP Mode for first use.
Click the Start button Picture of the Start button, click All Programs, click Windows Virtual PC, and then click Windows XP Mode to start/run the Virtual XP.
Accept the license terms, and then click Next.
Accept the default location where Windows XP Mode files will be stored.
Type a password, type it again to confirm it,
AND make sure to choose to remember the credentials if you want the integration features to work smoothly and then click Next.
Protect your computer by turning on automatic updates, and then click Next.
Click Start Setup.
After setup is complete, Windows XP Mode opens in a separate window.
At this point you will need to install your applications in Windows XP.
You can install applications in Windows XP Mode just as you normally would on a physical PC. For example, you can install applications via web, from storage devices, or from physical media such as CD/DVD.
Inside Windows XP Mode, insert the program’s installation disc into your computer’s CD/DVD drive; or browse to the program’s installation file, open the file, and follow the instructions to install the program.
Make sure to choose “All Users” anytime you are asked who to install the software for—the integration features won’t work with software that installs just for your user account.
If you can’t install for everybody, you can simply choose “Open All Users” on the start menu, and copy a shortcut to the application into the start menu’s programs folder.
Once your applications are installed and shortcuts are in the All Users start menu, they will magically show up in the Windows 7 start menu under the Windows Virtual PC andWindows XP Applications folder!

Windows XP Mode works in two ways—both as a virtual operating system and as a way to open programs within Windows 7. Windows XP Mode runs in a separate window on the Windows 7 desktop, much like a program, except it’s a fully functional version of Windows XP. In Windows XP Mode, you can access your physical computer’s CD/DVD drive, install programs, save files, and perform other tasks as if you were using a computer running Windows XP.
When you install a program in Windows XP Mode, the program appears in both the Windows XP Mode list of programs and in the Windows 7 list of programs, so you can open the program directly from Windows 7.
Programs installed in Windows XP in the Windows 7 Start menu
You can now launch these applications from Windows 7!
Simply launch the application you need and you are good to go.
If you go here you can find some very good videos on the installation and configuration toward the bottom left hand of the page. I highly recommend checking them out.
Well that’s it. A years worth of aggrevation solved in about an hour!

Security Threat News

I have mentioned many times before of the need to update your computer Operating Systems, Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware applications.

But I also must mention again to please update your applications as well – ESPECIALLY ADOBE PRODUCTS.

A 2009 Global Threat Report from ScanSafe, a Cisco company, shows that in the 4th quarter of 2009 80% of all web-based exploits were malicious PDFs! It’s not surprising that the PDF number is large, but this number is so large it’s hard to believe, especially in as much as Flash exploits were 18%!
Those are some frightening numbers!

PDFs and Flash are ground zero for malware on the web these days. Just by keeping up to date on your client software you can protect yourself against almost all of it.
Here is the advisory from Adobe.

Users should update to versions 9.3.1 or 8.2.1, the links to which are in the advisory. Alternatively, you can “Check for Updates” in the Help menu.

More on Freeware that I use

I keep getting asked about what applications I would ‘install on a new system’ or what apps to I use for this or that and how can I find them. So I put together a list of  most of them I use again. I already have posted on my affection for Firefox used with add-ons and extension. So I’ll skip that here. This list is by no means complete I am sure there are many things I left off or that you can add.

Before I get to the tools and links;
Remember when installing any application to TAKE YOUR TIME AS YOU CLICK THROUGH THE SETUP PROCESS!!
And do NOT agree to install/add anything else other than the actual software you are planning on installing.
The same care should also be taken when applying application or ‘security updates’
Many Freeware applications contain an added ‘toolbar’ or ‘update checker’ NEITHER OF WHICH YOU NEED OR WANT. Make sure to ‘uncheck’ any options for such crap.
[Where do they get the nerve to sneak tool bars onto unsuspecting Users systems in the guise of updating their applications/runtimes/etc ?
And, why are they allowed to behave like the criminals who install malware on unsuspecting Victims’ systems ? ]

I understand that some of the developers are trying to get paid for their services and they deserve it, but to have that ‘check/option’ clicked by default is downright deceptive. If I feel an application is worth paying for I will donate directly to the developer, and I often do. In fact many applications on my personal use list were originally ‘purchase’ type applications that I bought and are now freeware!
This also occurs for ‘SECURITY UPDATES’ and upgrades too.
For example:
A notice appears on your PC about an update for Adobe Flash Player. Adobe, in their infinite wisdom, doesn’t inform Users why this update has come out.
The User, thinking that it improves the Flash Player, hurries to install it, clicking quickly through the installation pages.
When the update is done, guess what ? There’s another toolbar installed to Internet Explorer !!!
In the US, it will likely be either a Yahoo or Google tool bar.
Lord knows which tool bar Users in other regions of the world will find installed.
Or, there’s an update to Sun Java. Again, there’s no explanation about why there’s an update. Once more, the beaten down weary from constant updating User doesn’t notice that Sun is also offering a tool bar, which in the US is probably the MSN or Bing tool bar. European Users will likely have other unwanted tool bars stuffed on to their systems.
So be careful no matter what applications you install whether purchased or freeware.

Also note that ‘freeware’ doesn’t always mean no support. Many freeware applications have a very active ‘developer community’ and support forums.

There is no particular order to how I listed these applications and tools, I just started going through my applications install folder. Use any and or all of these at your own risk. They are ‘freeware’ and I make NO warrantees or guarantees to their safety or effectiveness for you. I have had no issues with any of these but you may. So have a complete system back up available incase something ‘bad’ happens. [see my posts on backups and images]
So here you go:

Log Me In
Access and back up your home or work computer from anywhere with an Internet connection. Even access your desktop from your Smartphone or iPhone or the dash of your Ford truck. It’s fast, easy and secure.:

Format Factory a multifunctional media converter:

Flv Player is a tool to play Flash (.FLV) video files:

Firefox with extensions and greasemonkey
See my previous posts:

Driver Max let’s you back up and restore the drivers installed on your computer:

Handbrake is an open-source program designed to convert MPEG video (including DVD-Video) into an MPEG-4 video file in MPEG-4 Part 14 (.mp4) or Matroska (.mkv) containers.

Spybot Search & Destroy
Don’t confuse this application with other that are trading on the ‘Spybot’ name and are in
and of themselves ACTUALLY spyware. The one and only original FREEWARE application is here:

Microsoft Security Essentials

CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool. It removes unused files from your system – allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner.

LookInMyPC is a free utility that allows users to generate complete and comprehensive profiles, audits, and diagnostic reports on their computers.

DVD Shrink is a versatile freeware tool for fitting a DVD-Video disc on a single DVD-R:

DVD Decrypter is a highly versatile VOB-ripping utility.

Dvdflick is a simple but at the same time powerful DVD Authoring tool. It can take a number of video files stored on your computer and turn them into a DVD that will play back on your DVD player, Media Center or Home Cinema Set. You can add additional custom audio tracks, subtitles as well as a menu for easier navigation.

Keepass is an open source password manager. Passwords can be stored in highly-encrypted databases, which can be unlocked with one master password or key file.

µTorrent is a lightweight and efficient BitTorrent client for Windows or Mac with many features.

Media Monkey (free & Pro) Free music manager and jukebox for large collections of CDs, MP3s and other audio files. It rips CDs, converts audio formats, edits tags, renames files, creates playlists, etc.

Tuxguitar (opens Guitar taps pro too)is an opensource multitrack tablature editor. You can read and write Guitar  Pro files using TuxGuitar.

Defraggler can defragment individual files, groups of files in a folder, or free space on any FAT32, NTFS, exFAT, RAID partition. Defraggler can defragment the master file table when needed. It also displays the location of these files on a map of the partition.

Recuva is a freeware Windows utility to restore files that have been accidentally deleted from your computer. This includes files emptied from the Recycle bin as well as images and other files that have been deleted by user error from digital camera memory cards or MP3 players. It will even bring back files that have been deleted by bugs, crashes and viruses.:

Speccy is an advanced freeware system information tool for personal computer.

Virtual Box is a powerful x86 and AMD64/Intel64 virtualization product for enterprise as well as home use

GIMP (the GNU  Image Manipulation Program) is a free software raster graphics editor. [think Photoshop without the $600.00 price tag] (OO.o or OOo), commonly known as OpenOffice, is an open source software application suite.

VLC Media Player is a cross-platform open-source multimedia framework, player and server. VLC  media player is a highly portable multimedia player and multimedia framework capable of reading most audio and video formats (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, DivX, MPEG-1, mp3, ogg, aac …) as well as DVDs, Audio CDs VCDs, and various streaming protocols.:

k-lite Mega codec package allows you to play almost every movie file that you can find on the Internet.

Mozbackup is a simple utility for creating backups of Mozilla Firefox.

Magicdisk is a utility designed for creating and managing ‘virtual’ CD drives and CD/DVD discs.

GPVR is a mature, robust, full-featured Personal Video Recorder (PVR) or Media Center which runs on Microsoft Windows. It’s main function is scheduling tv recording and watching live tv.(tv card necessary)

7-zip is an open source file archiver and can read and write to several other archive formats.

ImageBurn is a lightweight CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!

Funduc Search & Replace is a fast, easy to use grep utility for search and  replace in multiple files, directories and archives.

UnLocker is a tool that can trace and "unlock" the locking protection commonly used in system files.Its main use is to terminate the processes that are using a certain file, or force the processes to stop using the file, so the user can safely delete, rename or move the file.

WhoLockMe is a Windows Explorer extension that will help you identify which programs and/or process have locks on your files.

Open DNS  makes networks in homes, schools and businesses safer, faster, smarter and more reliable through Web content filtering and navigation services.

Rname It
Another great Win95/98/NT app that renames multiple files. Files can easily be organized and grouped by a new common prefix and/or padded with a unique numerical or alphabetical value for sorting purposes. Features Real Time Preview and Full (Final) Preview for complicated renaming procedures.:

Sysinternals Suite

CombiMovie is freeware which can combine two or more mpg/mpeg files into a single continuous mpg file. It works very fast, almost as fast as copying the files itself! Suitable for digital camera or internet movies.:

Look@Lan is an advanced network monitor that allows you to monitor your net in few clicks.
Extremely easy to use and very fast in discovering your network’s active nodes. Full of relevant features such as: auto-detect of network configuration, monitoring, reporting, trapping, statistics and graphs, network tree view, network log, proof single node scan, os detection.:;=9&evp;=243ad7f7dbd42ca50abe8bf849b4423b

KarenWare Tools
Directory Print:

TightVNC  is a cross-platform open source remote desktop software application that uses and extends VNC ‘s RFB protocol to control another computer’s screen remotely.:

UltraVNC is an open source and free application for the Microsoft Windows operating system that uses the VNC protocol to control another computer’s screen :

OsX VNC server is protocol lets you connect to and control another computer.:
OsX VNC Client:

PDF-XChange Viewer is a free alternative to Adobe Acrobat Reader–allows users to View Adobe compatible PDF files:

Notepad++ Opensource notepad on steroids:

Onyx (Mac)is a multifunction utility for Mac OS X. It allows you to verify the Startup Disk and the structure of its System files, to run misc tasks of system maintenance:
[Looks like Apple swallowed this project]:

CutePDF Writer
Create professional quality PDF files from almost any printable document. FREE for personal, commercial, gov or edu use! No watermarks! No popup Web ads! Now supports 64-bit Windows.